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A person using a chainsaw to cut down trees.

Nurture Your Trees This Winter With These Simple Tips and Tricks

Even though the weather is starting to cool down, you still need to keep a close eye on your trees. With a little bit of preventative maintenance and some help from the pros, you can rest assured that your trees are going to survive the winter months and come back healthier next year. Here is a quick glimpse at a few tips and tricks that you can use to prep your trees for the coldest months of the year here in Knoxville.

Prune Early

Many homeowners are surprised to hear that tree pruning should actually be carried out just before the temperatures begin to drop. When you prune your trees early, they are going to be much stronger when the weather cools off and the first winter storms blow through. As a bonus, trimming all of the trees will reduce your risk of high winds breaking the branches and damaging your property.

Put Down Mulch

Putting down a thick layer of mulch is another important step that you will need to take to winterize your trees. As the soil begins to cool off, it will be very difficult for your trees to pull in moisture and nutrients. A layer of mulch will act as an insulator for your trees so that the roots don’t freeze or harden in the coming months. The mulch will also introduce new nutrients into the ground so that the trees can continue to grow next spring.

Brace Your Trees

When wind gusts blow through Knoxville, catastrophic damage can happen in the blink of an eye. If you want to avoid emergency tree services, then you should consider speaking with one of our team members about bracing all of your younger trees. Installing straps and braces will give the trees an extra layer of support so that they don’t become damaged during strong winter storms.

Check for Pests

A pest infestation can wreak havoc on your trees and cause a huge amount of damage in a matter of weeks. Well before the first winter storm, you should have your property inspected for any signs of pests that might damage your trees. Once the pests make colonies and nests on your property, it is going to be much more difficult to get rid of the infestation and protect your trees.

Contact a Tree Care Company

The team here at Shelton’s Tree Service is proud to help residents of Knoxville and the surrounding communities with all of the services that will keep their trees healthy. Please give us a call today so that you can speak with one of our skilled and friendly arborists who can help you winterize all of the trees on your property.

White tree logo of Shelton's Tree Service

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