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A tree branch being cut by someone using an electric pole.

Should I Prune My Trees in Fall?

Most experts recommend pruning trees in the late winter or early spring. However, that rule of thumb varies greatly based on the tree and climate. Learn more about what trees to prune in the fall before hiring the best tree pruning service in Knoxville, TN.

What Is Pruning?

Pruning refers to the process of trimming tree branches. Pruning involves both removing dead branches and trimming growing branches to stimulate growth.

If pruning stimulates growth, the tree will develop sap. If the sap doesn’t get the chance to harden before the cold weather, it can freeze and actually weaken the tree.

Fall is also often the rainy season. Excess moisture can attract hazardous growth and pests that can weaken the branches and leave them susceptible to storm damage.

When to Prune Trees in Fall

There are some situations that require tree pruning in the fall. We will cover situations that call for tree pruning before winter.

Dead Branches

Dead branches are weak. These weak branches can succumb to the heavy snow and winds of the winter season, making them a potential hazard. The branches can damage your roof, windows, or yard and even be a danger to you and your family if they fall. Ask a tree care professional for help identifying dead tree branches on your property.

In the case of completely dead trees, it’s best to remove trees in the winter when the trees are dormant.

Unseasonably Hot Weather

If experiencing an exceptionally warm fall where all of the trees will continue to grow for months, pruning them will make them healthier and fuller before the cold weather comes. Warm, Southern states like Tennessee benefit from additional pruning since trees have such a long active season due to the weather.

Certain Tree Species

Plants are living organisms with unique characteristics. While many trees get the best results when pruned in early spring, that isn’t necessarily true for all of them. Learn more about how to care for the specific species growing in your yard. Instead of tending to all of your trees and plants at one time, service them separately based on the season.

Fast-growing plants, such as the flower angel’s trumpet, may bloom twice with fall pruning. Pomegranate trees also produce more fruit after fall pruning.

Shelton’s Tree Service

Your yard enhances the curb appeal of your home. Take the time to get proper tree care services in Knoxville, TN, every spring and fall season by calling Shelton’s Tree Service. Contact us today to get a quote!

White tree logo of Shelton's Tree Service

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